HO is the abbreviation of the head office block (Headquarters Office ) of Alphaway company.

Female prosperity and yang decline

Alphaway’s headquarters (APW) is located at 4th Floor, Building 21T1 Hapulico, No. 1 Nguyen Huy Tuong, Thanh Xuan Trung Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi. Alphaway’s office block includes 15 members from the following departments: Accounting, human resources administration, recruitment, internal communications…

Members of team HO.

As a company operating in the field of technology, gathering many beautiful boys and girls, but in Alphaway’s office block, the number of women is the dominant force. The reason for such a gender gap comes from the nature of the job, most of Alphaway’s male members are onsite and only the women stay behind as a strong rear base.

Energetic and enthusiastic girls

As young, confident, dynamic girls, HO girls are not only professionally strong but also very active in activities and movements.

Ensemble performance: Then Come Always Go – Team HO

In the performance competition night with the theme “NIGHT TO SHINE” held in Tuan Chau, the HO sisters excellently won the first prize. With the desire to bring new smiles and feelings to the audience, the HO girls transformed into old people to perform. The performance attracted attention & cheers from the audience. Most people were surprised & laughed at how muddy the girls were.

The audience applauded.

To have such a well-thought-out performance in the premiere, the day there was information about the performance competition program, the HO team members immediately started practicing.

HO sisters stay to practice after work.

The result of that effort & enthusiasm is the first prize at the art competition night.

The bright smile of the HO girls.

Congratulations talented, beautiful girls. Let’s continue to uphold that spirit!

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